Memory Systems for Learning Hebrew and Judaism
See how much faster you will learn Hebrew when you are having fun!

This book puts into practice the memory aids recommended by the great memory teachers and virtually every memory expert because:
- It uses pictures you will see in your own mind to remind you of the word’s meaning;
- It helps you remember everything from Hebrew vocabulary and grammar to the names of the Prophets and more.
If you are just beginning or at any level in the study of Hebrew or Judaism you would apply these and supercharge your ability to remember.

About the Crazy Herb’s Hebrew Words eBook:
- The pages can easily be accurately and clearly printed.
- You can read and/or download the eBook immediately when purchasing.
- Since the eBook is in PDF format you do not need to be online to read it once it is downloaded.
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“A Better Way To Learn, A Better Way To Teach”
- Are you tired of trying to learn Hebrew by rote and minutes later you are confused as to what word means what?
- Would you like to learn Hebrew words in a method that is fun but also gives you much better retention than any other way?
- Do you feel like you’re on a treadmill when you learn a word one week only to go back the next week and having to learn the same word again and again?
Included in the Book:
Bizarre Pictures vs. Rote Learning
Remembering Items in a List
Animals (illustrated)
The Ten Commandments (illustrated)
Colors (illustrated)
The Hebrew Alphabet (illustrated)
Hebrew Script
Vowels (illustrated)
Vocabulary (illustrated)
Hebrew Months And Holidays
Major Prophets, Minor Prophets and Writings
Learning Vocabulary With Perfect Spelling
Prepositions – To, For, On, etc.
Verbs and Nouns Combining with Pronouns
Possessive Adjectives
Transitive Verbs, Intransitive Verbs, Direct Objects and Indirect Objects
And much more!
Bizarre Pictures vs. Rote Learning
Remembering Items in a List
Animals (illustrated)
The Ten Commandments (illustrated)
Colors (illustrated)
The Hebrew Alphabet (illustrated)
Hebrew Script
Vowels (illustrated)
Vocabulary (illustrated)
Hebrew Months And Holidays
Major Prophets, Minor Prophets and Writings
Learning Vocabulary With Perfect Spelling
Prepositions – To, For, On, etc.
Verbs and Nouns Combining with Pronouns
Possessive Adjectives
Transitive Verbs, Intransitive Verbs, Direct Objects and Indirect Objects
And much more!
- Are you discouraged because you’re tired of having to face your students who seem bored almost to the point of being unruly?
- Would you like their Hebrew education to be so interesting that they actually look forward to your class?
- Would you like to achieve real job satisfaction because you are providing a real learning experience to your students who are excited to go to your class?
- Imagine parents telling you they notice a great improvement in attitude!
Are You Ready To Learn?
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